Happiness is a state of mind. It is not something that you get from outside. And even if you do – it is very temporary. True happiness comes with peace and calmness from the inside. And when it comes you feel it. You know it. You understand it and you appreciate it. And it flows more and more often to your life. Till you become one with it. Then you can share true happiness with others without any hesitation. It just happens naturally, you don’t even notice it. And the more happiness and joy you share the more naturally you receive it from the world. The world is like a mirror, reflection of you, your thoughts and all that you have inside. The deeper your soul is, the more life has to offer to you. Clear all the blocks and just dive into yourself. You are pure, colourful, beautiful soul. We all are. Dare yourself to have a look deeper. Deeper than material world. And once you do, you will feel that want to stay within yourself for little longer.. This is where your happiness comes from. From you, my beautiful soul. From peace and calmness. So dive into yourself and find your happiness within.
With love from UK,
Happiness Dossier