I believe in love. Pure unconditional love. I believe it is the highest vibration in this world. I believe that your heart has all the asnwers to your questions. You just have to believe in it. Listen to it. Listen to your heartbeat. It beats for you, my dear soul. Listen to it and follow it. Pure white, bright light – the love. The love that you are and have inside yourself. Do not hide it. Feel it and share that unconditional love. Let it flow through you. Let it be the guide of your life. Let it take you to the places you couldn’t have imagined. Love is power. The power that you have inside yourself. Let it show you how beautiful and magnificent this existence is. Let it kindly teach you all your life lessons so you could go back to your primal existence with love. Pure unconditional love. Believe in it and let it be your guide. 


With love from Tropics,
Happiness Dossier 